FAQ subscription

Frequently asked question regarding the subscription services are listed here. In case of new questions please write an email to sambashop@sernet.de.

  • Where do I to find newest information?
    For any news about SAMBA+, pending releases and security info please refer to https://samba.plus/blog/

    You can register for SerNet's Samba Newsletter using this form: https://samba.plus/newsletter/
    If you prefer other information channels, you can also subscribe to our RSS feed (https://samba.plus/feed.rss).
  • What is a subscription?
    Within the subscription contract you have access to our SAMBA+ executable packages for Enterprise Linux that we derived from the free public Samba sources. This access is available for 1, 2 or 3 years and is valid for 5 servers, regardless the CPU number and other hardware specifications, virtualized or on bare metal.
  • How do I activate a new SAMBA+ subscription?
    The subscription is activated automatically with the purchase. The start of the term is the date of purchase. The password for all subscriptions is the same: "sambaplus". The security of access to the software packages is guaranteed by the complex subscription key. Access to the different software packages is described in our instructions: https://samba.plus/samba-howto.
  • How do I renew an existing SAMBA+ subscription?
    To renew subscriptions you buy one or more new subscription keys in this shop. You then only need to replace the old subscription keys with the new subscription keys on your SAMBA+ servers.
  • What happens when the subscription expires?
    Samba is free software licensed unter GPLv3 and higher. After downloading the software you are free to own, to use, and to modify the software. Please refer to our terms and conditions for detailed explanation.
  • Is there any support included?
    No. Subscription means access to the software and any updates and upgrades during the duration of the contract. Additional Samba support is available worldwide, refer to https://www.samba.org/samba/support/. Information about SerNet's support offerings are available right here.